
Christian Science Journal: Handling chaos – A lesson from a vase

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Daniel Lees this month titled, Handling chaos – A lesson from a vase: You may have noticed a growing use of the term chaos in the news media. It denotes confusion, disorder, or unpredictability occurring in physical bodies, the body politic, or nature. All such states convey a disquieting, […]


Christian Science Journal: A victory over anxiety

The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month titled, A victory over anxiety: One afternoon in the middle of our son’s fourth-grade year in elementary school, I got a call from the nurse’s office to pick him up. He was feeling nauseous and his head hurt. I brought him home and stayed with him, […]


Christian Science Journal: Deep wound healed

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Chérie Hafford Robinson this month titled, Deep wound healed: One day while enjoying an afternoon ride, my horse slipped off a low footbridge and we both fell into the mucky streambed. Before I could get to my feet, the horse stepped on my lower leg to climb […]


Christian Science Journal: Healed of heart attacks

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Laura Leigh Robinson this month titled, Healed of heart attacks: Several years ago, I experienced three episodes of heart attack symptoms over a six-month period. The first was at home with my three college-age children. We were new to Christian Science, so this was the first time […]


Christian Science Journal: The discovery today – where hearts catch fire

The Christian Science Journal website published the edited and abbreviated transcript of this years Annual Meeting of the Mother Church: Opening Annual Meeting, Rich Evans, Chair of the Christian Science Board of Directors, welcomed the worldwide Church family attending in person and via the internet. He introduced the new President of The Mother Church for 2023–2024, […]


Christian Science Journal – United against hatred of Truth

The Christian Science Journal website published an article, from the July issue, written by Cynthia Clague titled, United against hatred of Truth: When I first joined my branch Church of Christ, Scientist, the members were struggling with a remodeling project that wasn’t going forward because of money woes. Several times over the years, members again attempted […]

Mariam Soliman I8kvud0l9xe Unsplash

Christian Science Journal – Putting Truth on record

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Barbara Vining titled, Putting Truth on record: Christ Jesus put on record the healing power of God, divine Truth, for the world’s benefit. He did this by teaching and demonstrating the power of Truth, freeing humanity from limitations, discords, and diseases. In explanation he said, “To this […]

Divine Truth

Christian Science Journal – From post-truth to divine Truth

The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Mónica B. Esefer Passaglia titled, From post-truth to divine Truth: There’s a saying that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth. And studies show that people do tend to accept opinions and pseudo-facts as reliable information if they hear them often enough.  Special interest […]

Gratitude: A Not To Be Missed Spiritual Feast

Christian Science Journal – Gratitude: A not-to-be-missed spiritual feast

Happy Dia De Los Muertos! The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Ruth Geyer titled, Gratitude: A not-to-be-missed spiritual feast: Expressing gratitude is a deeply nourishing practice that brings with it indescribable power. In America, my country, Thanksgiving is celebrated each November by expressing gratitude. Whether gathering with family or going solo—or […]

Tim Marshall Catzhuz7z8g Unsplash

Christian Science Journal – Freedom from human willpower

The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Janet Clements titled, Freedom from human willpower: Looking at the world today, we see individuals and groups attempting to exert their will over others, both aggressively and subtly. The effort to dominate is seen in government, politics, health care, environmental issues, and personal relationships, to […]