Christian Science Monitor – Prayer beyond words

Lyle Young published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website addressing true prayer and how we must allow God to show us how to live them. The article states: Without a doubt, true prayer involves not just words but the practical expression of goodness, kindness, and love – qualities that prove the sincerity of […]

Christian Science Monitor – God’s promise of healing

Today Ellen J. Wolf published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website addressing a personal experience that helps illustrate how we can rely on God for healing. The article states: In the Bible, it is recorded that God told Moses: “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26). And through study of the […]

“Experiencing Heaven Now” by Mary Bothwell, CSB

Watch the lecture, “Experiencing Heaven Now” by Christian Science speaker Mary Bothwell, CSB. This live lecture took place last week in Davis, California as part of the 2018 Healing 101 series. There are two presentations remaining in the Healing 101 2018 lecture series. Tonight Fujiko Signs, CSB will give a free online lecture titled “Love without […]

Looking for Freedom from...

Event Replay: “Breaking News: Freedom is Ours Now!” by Patricia Woodard, CS

Watch a replay of the lecture, “Breaking News: Freedom is Ours Now!” by Christian Science speaker Patricia Woodard CS. The live lecture was sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist The Woodlands held on March 25th at The Woodlands South County Community Center.

Living the Kingdom of Heaven within us – talk by Jose de Dios Mata

You are invited to a free talk by Jose de Dios Mata   ⇒ CLICK HERE to view/download a PDF flyer.   Hear about how… Mata’s hearing had almost disappeared due to a congenital abnormality. But then a doctor told him about Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy. Mata read Eddy’s book, “Science and Health with Key […]

Easter talk happening tonight, watch online or call in!

Tonight we invite you, our global family, to experience a special Easter talk, entitled, “The Week That Changed The World” by bible scholar, Madelon Maupin, presented at Third Church of Christ, Scientist, in New York City.  This event will be available to watch online or listen to on your phone. Is a 2000+ year old […]

Easter Talk: “The Week That Changed The World”

On March 30th, we invite you, our global family, to experience a special Easter talk, entitled, “The Week That Changed The World” by bible scholar, Madelon Maupin, presented at Third Church of Christ, Scientist, in New York City.  This event will be available to watch online or listen to on your phone. Is a 2000+ […]

Houston Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service – Annual Meeting

Dear Friends – Please join us on Saturday, March 24, 2018 for the Houston Visiting Nurse Service’s annual meeting.  This year’s speaker is Keith Wommack, from the Committee on Publication for Texas. The title of Keith’s talk is:  “Feed the hungry, heal the heart …Shepherd, wash them clean”. The meeting will be held at Fourth Church […]

Christian Science Monitor – Don’t take the (click)bait

Today Tessa Parmenter published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website addressing how we can overcome the pull of sensationalized news through understanding that there’s a higher power we can rely on to inform our actions. The article explains: It’s clear that if we want fake news to stop, we can’t pay it any […]

Open House – University of Houston CSO

The students of the Christian Science Organization at the University of Houston invite you to lunch and an open house on Sunday, March 25, to begin at Noon. The Org members from Friendswood, 7 th , and 8 th churches look forward to sharing their appreciation for having such a special place on campus! The CSO is located at the A.D. Bruce Religion […]