Christian Science Monitor – To one person, you may be the world

To one person, you may be the worldMark Swinney published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website exploring the value of selflessness that’s not simply about doing good deeds but about letting God’s love impel our actions. The article goes on to state:

An active willingness to express qualities such as thoughtfulness, gentleness, forgiveness, and steadfastness helps us recognize our true nature as God’s children, which inevitably translates into helping, and even healing, others, and so showing how much we care.

There is nothing wrong with being famous. But those who make the most difference in the lives of others are not necessarily the ones with the most accolades but the ones who take the time to love. With all of the people we meet, we can strive to follow Jesus’ example and be willing to be open to opportunities to let God’s love and care shine through us, so that we can be the “one person” that means “the world” to someone in need today. Doing so matters more than we could ever imagine. It helps others (and ourselves!) know and feel the tender, comforting presence of the divine Love that heals.

If you would like to view the entire article on, please click here. 


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