Christian Science Monitor – Letter to a young mother

YoungmotherAn article was posted on the Christian Science Monitor website today, under A Christian Science Perspective by Bethany Taylor titled, Letter to a young mother:

I was watching the news about Israel and Hamas. You came on talking about trying to keep your baby quiet so you wouldn’t be detected by the attackers, and how your husband had been taken as a hostage. My heart went out to you, and in a sincere desire to help, I humbly reached out to God and asked how I could help, how I could pray right then. The answer came in the form of a hymn written by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian ScienceMary Baker Eddy.

I began singing and praying the words right then and there: “O gentle presence, peace and joy and power; / O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour” (“Christian Science Hymnal,” No. 207). I felt assured of God’s ever-present peace, joy, and omnipotent power right then and there for you and all who are feeling alone and afraid, even when in the midst of terror and war…

To view or listen to this article in full please click here.


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