Supported by The Willows website, Dave Cook is interviewing Bruce Jeffrey in an interview via zoom titled, Thinking Forward – Thursday October 21st at 8:00PM(CDT). PRACTICING AN INSPIRED APPROACH TO BENEVOLENCE Bruce Jeffrey is Executive Director at The Principle Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri, a nonprofit organization that offers modest grants to Christian Scientists in […]
Christian Science Journal – “Hearken” and Heal!
The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Judith Hardy Olson titled, “Hearken” and Heal!: Hearken is not a word you come across in daily speech or conversation. It sounds old-fashioned. In fact, the first time I ever used it was in elementary school, when we sang the traditional English refrain of an old Neapolitan song: […]
Christian Science Sentinel – A new birth after hard times
The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article this week by John Quincy Adams III titled, A new birth after hard times. The article discusses overcoming life’s challenges: Needing to start anew after one or more of life’s most challenging circumstances, or for any reason, is something many of us have faced. Climbing out of a dark […]
Christian Science Sentinel – The Healing Principle That’s Discoverable, Daily!
The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article this week by Tony Lobl titled, The Healing Principle That’s Discoverable – Daily! Tony shares: Occasionally, we hear the word discoverable, referring, for instance, to making things easier to find online or to a lawyer’s right to gain access to documents. More broadly, it simply means something can be discovered. “Eureka!” […]
Replay of the Healing 101 Web Lecture — The Helen Wood Bauman Story
The Healing 101 Website is currently showing a replay video titled, The Helen Wood Bauman Story (available for a limited time): Christian Science was the answer to Helen Wood Bauman’s deep desire to help humanity, and her understanding of the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy bore fruit in an extensive healing practice. She went on […]
Mary Baker Eddy Library – One World 2021
The Mary Baker Eddy Library website posted their annual One World program, which is a series of free art and cultural events targeted for children ages 4–12. The series is half way done and if you have not checked it out yet, there is still time: This year’s program series is designed for everyone to […]
Christian Science Monitor – Not just surviving but thriving!
An article was posted on the Christian Science Monitor website under A Christian Science Perspective by Elizabeth Schaefer titled, Not just surviving but thriving! The article reminds us during these times not just how to survive, but how to get back out there and thrive: Baking on the searing pavement under the Texas summer sun […]
Christian Science Sentinel – The Algorithm of Spirit
The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article by Susan Booth Mack Snipes titled, The Algorithm of Spirit. Susan shares: The algorithm of Spirit, the law of God’s allness, is supremely practical. It cuts through the variables of mortal chance, circumstances, and demands and impels harmony, health, supply, and freedom as the natural and inevitable […]
Christian Science Journal – Your primary, life-giving purpose
The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Mark Swinney titled, Your primary, life-giving purpose: When asked what is most important for gaining eternal life, Christ Jesus asked his questioner what he found in the law. The man replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, […]
Free Healing 101 Web Lecture — How Spiritual Perception Brings Healing, Alexandre Fischer
Healing 101 is presenting a free live webinar by Alexandre Fischer titled, How Spiritual Perception Brings Healing – Saturday May 8th at 1:00PM. About the speaker: I practiced law in France and in the United States for several years. As a litigation lawyer in France, I used to argue cases in court and I did […]
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