Happy Dia De Los Muertos! The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Ruth Geyer titled, Gratitude: A not-to-be-missed spiritual feast: Expressing gratitude is a deeply nourishing practice that brings with it indescribable power. In America, my country, Thanksgiving is celebrated each November by expressing gratitude. Whether gathering with family or going solo—or […]
Organ Dedication Concert – David Baskeyfield
Next Thursday, October 27th there will be an organ dedication recital given by David Baskeyfield at Third Church, Christ Scientist in Dallas: On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th at 7:00 p.m., Third Church will be welcoming many guests as we celebrate our wonderful Casavant organ at its dedication concert. David Baskeyfield, of Pittsford, NY, will be our […]
Albert Baker Fund Career Alliance – Net Effect
The Albert Baker Fund Career Alliance website has officially posted their 50th, Net Effect Career Conversations and Connections video. Their next conversation will return this Friday, September 23, 2022 at 3:00 PST and the topic is, What Will Schools of the Future Look Like? To watch or listen to this video on https://abfcareeralliance.org, please click here. […]
Christian Science Sentinel – Seeing “none but the woman”
The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article yesterday by Barbara Fife titled, Seeing “none but the woman”: There’s a healing recorded in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John. It’s a well-known account that is often viewed as either a lesson in not judging or condemning others or a healing of sin. A woman […]
Mary Baker Eddy Library – Nearly 70 “Seekers and Scholars” Podcasts
The Mary Baker Eddy Library Website has a series of podcasts titled, Seekers and Scholars. If you have not listened to them, the podcasts consist of a series taken directly from the Mary Baker Eddy Library. When we last posted in 2018 there were seventeen episodes open to the public. Today there are 69 episodes! […]
Christian Science Journal – Freedom from human willpower
The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Janet Clements titled, Freedom from human willpower: Looking at the world today, we see individuals and groups attempting to exert their will over others, both aggressively and subtly. The effort to dominate is seen in government, politics, health care, environmental issues, and personal relationships, to […]
Join us for an Embraced:Fully interview – Exploring Financial Literacy
If you have not yet heard of the work being done by the group Embraced:Fully then it is time to check them out! They have a wonderful Interview coming up this Thursday via zoom at 8:00PM Houston time titled, Exploring Financial Literacy: Julie Rugg is a retired math instructor. Don Rugg is a Certified Financial […]
Christian Science Monitor – Empowered to not indulge in anger
An article was posted on the Christian Science Monitor website today, under A Christian Science Perspective, by Martha Sarvis titled, Empowered to not indulge in anger. The article looks at how to deal with the fire of anger: The pull of anger can seem irresistible at times. But recognizing that we are created by God […]
Christian Science Sentinel – Dealing with “doomerism”
The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article yesterday by Eric Nelson titled, Dealing with “doomerism”: “All it takes is one person to poke a hole through the bottom of a boat in order for everyone else on board to be affected,” remarked a friend, referring to the impact that the negativity of others can have on […]
Lecture – Never too late to Experience Freedom
This Sunday May 1st at 2:00PM First Church of Christ Scientist, Richardson will be hosting a lecture by Patricia Woodard, CS titled, Never too late to Experience Freedom: Patty discovered Christian Science as an adolescent and soon thereafter experienced the complete healing of a broken arm through Christian Science treatment. She’s lived in six states […]
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