Christian Science Sentinel – Publishing in the language of Spirit

Publishing In The Language Of SpiritThe Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article yesterday by Ethel Baker with contributions from Tony Lobl titled, Publishing in the language of Spirit:

Tony Lobl: In our recent conversation about the Christian Science magazines (see “An invaluable resource,” Sentinel, May 29, 2023), we focused on what makes them uniquely valuable to humanity. As editors, we especially love getting emails that include proof of that, where a reader shares how reading or listening to an article resulted in healing.

Ethel Baker: We do! Including from those who’ve read testimonies or articles that, on the face of it, might appear to have nothing to do with their lives. Yet, they are still helped or even healed by the spiritual truth shared. This ongoing sharing of Christ-healing unites us across the globe and enlarges this circle of giving and receiving, giving and receiving… 

To read or listen to this article in full on,
please click here. 


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