
Christian Science Journal – The five “ones”

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Randal Craft this month titled, The five “ones”: When a Hebrew religious leader asked Jesus, “Which is the first commandment of all?” he answered, “The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord […]


Christian Science Sentinel – This book healed me: Career, family, and the Bible

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article with Lauren Crandall and Veronica Kline titled, This book healed me – Career, family, and the Bible: This week, we’re talking with two guests who share their experiences of finding healing from reading the Bible. Lauren Crandall discusses how the book of Psalms carried her through—and inspired […]


Christian Science Journal: Handling chaos – A lesson from a vase

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Daniel Lees this month titled, Handling chaos – A lesson from a vase: You may have noticed a growing use of the term chaos in the news media. It denotes confusion, disorder, or unpredictability occurring in physical bodies, the body politic, or nature. All such states convey a disquieting, […]

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Lecture – Practicing Christian Healing Today

Mary Alice Rose gave a lecture this year discussing the relevancy of the Bible today as seen through healings. To view this lecture, please click below… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdc71HxD6nU  

Morality that’s freeing

Christian Science Monitor – Morality that’s freeing

Allison J. Rose-Sonnesyn published an article on the Christian Science Monitor Website exploring the idea that living our inherent integrity as God’s children brings joy and healing to our lives. The article states: Morality. The word may conjure thoughts of kindness, honesty, justice, integrity, and safety. On the other hand, it could also bring to […]

Christian Science Monitor – What makes a veteran?

Sandy Sandburg published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website considering the spiritual power of qualities such as strength, honor, integrity, and brotherly love expressed by veterans from all walks of life. The following is a segment from this article: On Nov. 11 – a holiday in the United States, Britain, Canada, and other […]