Christian Science Sentinel – “The inward voice”

Nature TreeThe Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article this week written by James Walter titled, “The inward voice”:

There is an inward voice that guides, encourages, comforts, instructs, enlightens, and strengthens us—and we are all able to hear it. It’s with us all the time. It’s there as we plan our day. It’s there when decisions are made. It’s there in idle moments or busiest times. Many would contend that this voice is our own—what we call our conscience or intuition. But where does this voice actually originate and how do we know to follow it? Does it proceed from a material brain or a personal mind—either of which would be limited in capability and perception—or does it come from a higher, unerring source? These are critical questions for each of us, because the answers shape our perception of ourselves and others and influence our every decision and action…

To read or listen to this article in full on,
please click here. 


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