Albert Baker Fund Career Alliance Net Effect

Albert Baker Fund Career Alliance – Net Effect

The Albert Baker Fund Career Alliance website has officially posted their 50th, Net Effect Career Conversations and Connections video. Their next conversation will return this Friday, September 23, 2022 at 3:00 PST and the topic is, What Will Schools of the Future Look Like? To watch or listen to this video on, please click here.  […]

Alexander Grey Nerkgbuudjm Unsplash

Christian Science Sentinel – Seeing “none but the woman”

The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article yesterday by Barbara Fife titled, Seeing “none but the woman”: There’s a healing recorded in the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John. It’s a well-known account that is often viewed as either a lesson in not judging or condemning others or a healing of sin. A woman […]

Mary Baker Eddy Library Nearly 70 Seekers And Scholars Podcasts

Mary Baker Eddy Library – Nearly 70 “Seekers and Scholars” Podcasts

The Mary Baker Eddy Library Website has a series of podcasts titled, Seekers and Scholars. If you have not listened to them, the podcasts consist of a series taken directly from the Mary Baker Eddy Library. When we last posted in 2018 there were seventeen episodes open to the public. Today there are 69 episodes! […]

Tim Marshall Catzhuz7z8g Unsplash

Christian Science Journal – Freedom from human willpower

The Christian Science Journal website published an article this month by Janet Clements titled, Freedom from human willpower: Looking at the world today, we see individuals and groups attempting to exert their will over others, both aggressively and subtly. The effort to dominate is seen in government, politics, health care, environmental issues, and personal relationships, to […]

Dealing With “doomerism”

Christian Science Sentinel – Dealing with “doomerism”

The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article yesterday by Eric Nelson titled, Dealing with “doomerism”: “All it takes is one person to poke a hole through the bottom of a boat in order for everyone else on board to be affected,” remarked a friend, referring to the impact that the negativity of others can have on […]


Christian Science Sentinel – Loving ourselves as our neighbor

The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted a thoughtful article yesterday by Tony Lobl titled, Loving ourselves as our neighbor: In an unattributed drawing, a young man sits beneath a tree. Hands folded on his knees, he peers into the night sky. Accompanying this simple sketch are these words: “You will never speak to anyone more than […]

The Normal Class Of 2021

Christian Science Journal – The Normal class of 2021

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by The Christian Science Board of Education titled, The Normal class of 2021: Every three years since 1907, the Board of Education, an auxiliary to the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, has held a Normal class to train and authorize qualified practitioners of Christian Science healing to take on the […]

Leveling Wealth With Honesty

Christian Science Sentinel – Leveling wealth with honesty

The Christian Science Sentinel Online posted an article this week by Evan Mehlenbacher titled, Leveling wealth with honesty. The article discusses how wealth is measured: Mary Baker Eddy had a clear sense of true wealth when she wrote, “Break up cliques, level wealth with honesty, let worth be judged according to wisdom, and we get better […]

Six Of One

Christmas: Now and Then

Sunday, December 5, 2021  at 4:30 pm All are invited to an Evening of A Cappella, Organ, and Piano Music at Eighth Church of Christ, Scientist, 11976 Memorial Drive, Houston 77024 ⊕  Featuring members of Six of One, Houston’s premier female a cappella ensemble. ⊕  And Cloud Ssu-Yun Wang, Piano and Organ. ⊕ Click HERE […]

“hearken” And Heal!

Christian Science Journal – “Hearken” and Heal!

The Christian Science Journal website published an article by Judith Hardy Olson titled, “Hearken” and Heal!: Hearken is not a word you come across in daily speech or conversation. It sounds old-fashioned. In fact, the first time I ever used it was in elementary school, when we sang the traditional English refrain of an old Neapolitan song: […]