
Christian Science Sentinel – Severely injured hand healed

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article this week written by Charles Perry Howard titles, Severely injured hand healed: Halfway through my college experience, I was faced with the prospect of moving overseas with my family. I didn’t want to leave my college or the close friendships that had developed. It wasn’t an option to […]


Christian Science Sentinel – Can prayer heal my body?

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article this week by David Hohle titled, Can prayer heal my body? You may believe that prayer can help or heal certain things. But what about a broken bone or something else wrong with your body? This week’s guest, David Hohle, shares his experiences and insights that show […]

Let Christ Establish Your Day

Christian Science Sentinel – Let Christ establish your day

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article this week by Warren Berckmann titled, Let Christ establish your day: The apostle Paul, urging his listeners to challenge and overcome materialistic thinking through spiritual “warfare,” enjoins us to bring “into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5). He doesn’t say some thoughts, but every thought. […]

Lilies Of The Valley

Christian Science Sentinel – Overcoming depression with God’s love

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article by Diahana Barnes titled, Overcoming depression with God’s love: There was a time in my life when I experienced a deep depression. There were days when I didn’t want to get out of bed and completely lacked motivation. It was a dark sadness that seemed to be sucking […]

Publishing In The Language Of Spirit

Christian Science Sentinel – Publishing in the language of Spirit

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted an article yesterday by Ethel Baker with contributions from Tony Lobl titled, Publishing in the language of Spirit: Tony Lobl: In our recent conversation about the Christian Science magazines (see “An invaluable resource,” Sentinel, May 29, 2023), we focused on what makes them uniquely valuable to humanity. As editors, we especially love […]

The Value Of Stillness

Christian Science Sentinel – The value of stillness

The Christian Science Sentinel online posted a lovely article yesterday by Mary Beattie titled, The value of stillness: We live in an age of busy schedules and seemingly endless demands. People try to find moments or oases of stillness through various means. Many turn to prayer for calm grounding. For instance, at this moment you have […]

Christian Science Sentinel – Aging, really? No!

The most recent article published on the Editorial page of the Christian Science Sentinel’s website is titled, Aging, really? No! This piece acknowledges and embraces ways in which we can gracefully age through our years. It describes this concept by conveying the following: Who doesn’t get a lift from seeing individuals of “advancing years” taking on […]