Christian Science Monitor – Living in the now

LivingAn article was posted on the Christian Science Monitor website today, under A Christian Science Perspective by Sandra Balderston titled, Living in the now:

I had been praying for some time about an ache in my shinbones. During this time I phoned a Christian Science practitioner for metaphysical help with this and other problems. One day I complained to her that I was missing things that had previously been in my life, such as my children, friends, activities, and different places I had lived.

The practitioner pointed out that clinging to the past is human emotionalism that would weigh us down. We live in the now, she said. We don’t negate the good we have previously enjoyed, but we can’t let nostalgia color our present with a sense of loss. She emphasized that man (a term that includes every individual) is the complete and entirely spiritual reflection of God, and that this reflection is going on right now…

To view or listen to this article in full please click here.


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