Christian Science Monitor – Harmony and diversity, together

This morning Myriam Betouche published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website discussing the spiritual basis for valuing ourselves and each other while thriving together. Inspired by her country, she goes on to state: In the wake of France’s celebration as two-time champion of the soccer World Cup (1998 and 2018), many are surfing […]

Mary Baker Eddy Library – Seekers and Scholars Podcasts

The Mary Baker Eddy Library Website has a series of podcasts titled, Seekers and Scholars. If you have not listened to them, the podcasts consist of a series taken directly from the Mary Baker Eddy Library. There are seventeen episodes open to the public and episode eighteen is scheduled for September 3, 2018. The online webpage states: […]

Christian Science Sentinel – Refuse to hate, yield to Love

If you missed it, Kim Crooks Korinek wrote an article posted on the Christian Science Sentinel website titled, Refuse to Hate – Yield to Love. The article focuses on the power of Love: Whether it’s extremist hate groups or the anger of a neighbor, hatred can seem like an insurmountable wall. However, even in the midst […]

To one person, you may be the world

Christian Science Monitor – To one person, you may be the world

Mark Swinney published an article on the Christian Science Monitor website exploring the value of selflessness that’s not simply about doing good deeds but about letting God’s love impel our actions. The article goes on to state: An active willingness to express qualities such as thoughtfulness, gentleness, forgiveness, and steadfastness helps us recognize our true […]