You’re invited: “Learn to Pray and Heal (a spiritual adventure)” by Nate Frederick – a free talk on Christian Science

Learn To Pray And Heal - A Spiritual Adventure

You’re invited to a free talk on Christian Science titled: “Learn to Pray and Heal (a spiritual adventure)”

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 11:00 am

Location: 11976 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX 77024

Presented by international speaker, Nate Frederick, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

To listen remotely to the lecture by phone, dial 978-990-5000, access code 431779#

To listen using the Free Conference Call app, launch the app on your PC, tablet, or smartphone, then press the “+New” button. In the “Meeting ID” field, enter “cs8houston”, and then click the “Join” button.

Sponsored by Eighth Church of Christ, Scientist, Houston, TX